What are we?
We are the only online community for beauty bloggers in the Middle East. Our goal is to bring together beauty bloggers from the region and provide networking opportunities, support and increased blog traffic.

Where are we?
We are located in various countries across the Middle East.

Who are we?
We are a small group of beauty bloggers who noticed a lack of recognition for beauty blogs in the region. We created this group because we wanted to interact with other beauty bloggers from around the region. We are also hoping that this group will help raise the profile of beauty bloggers in the Middle East.

How can you become a member?
Send an email with your name, your blog's name, URL and your location to mebeautybloggers@gmail.com We'll get back to you with the rest of the details!

Why should you become a member?
To meet other beauty bloggers in the region, network and bring more traffic to your blog.

How much does it cost?
It's totally free!

How can you add our button on your blog?
Right click on our button and click 'Save As'
Go to your blogger dashboard and click 'Design'
Click 'Add a Gadget' and choose 'Picture'
Choose the image and make sure to link back to our main page mebeautybloggers.blogspot.com!

How can you get in touch with us?
You can email us at mebeautybloggers@gmail.com, or leave a comment on one of our blog posts!